Board of Directors
shannon aycock
My relationship with Method began in Fall 2007 when we moved close to Method and my 3-year old son, Sam, switched schools to Method. I began attending the parent group meetings and eventually became the chair of the parent’s group. I joined the board as the parent’s group chair in 2010. I have served as Vice Chair and have been the Treasurer for many years, which puts me on the finance committee. Sam is now a Freshman at UNC-C. My youngest son, Franklin, also attended Method. When Method’s finances were low, I served as the bookkeeper. When we are between directors I have been responsible for payroll.
I have a BS in Food Science and a MEd in Mathematics Education from North Carolina State University. I am the ILC Math Center Coordinator of the Southern Wake Campus of Wake Tech Community College. In the ILC we offer free tutoring to Wake Tech students. I tutor both Math and General Chemistry. I also have a private tutoring business and have a few clients each year.
I am very invested in education. I work tirelessly for Method so that students are educated at an early age and I work tirelessly at Wake Tech to help students succeed in their courses so they can graduate, become employed, and be able to care for themselves and their families.